Business Trademark Attorney in Miami : Experienced Trademark Lawyer - Brickell IP Group

For all trademark and patent related services, our Miami-based attorneys provide matchless and innovative services. Call us today at 305-728-8831 for a free consultation.


Experienced trademark attorneys offering innovative services in Miami and nearby locations including Fort Lauderdale

At The Brickell IP Group, we are focused on providing our clients with invaluable domestic and international trademark counseling, protection, and enforcement of our clients’ brands and trademarks, while taking into consideration our clients’ respective business goals, budget, and unique branding needs.

Our attorneys do not simply prepare and file trademark applications, but more importantly, provide our clients with the due diligence and support necessary to develop a valuable trademark portfolio.  In addition, we are seasoned at drafting and negotiating trademark licenses and coexistence agreements in an effort to further increase the effectiveness of our clients’ branding strategies.

Through our international contacts, we have developed an extensive infrastructure devoted to acquiring and enforcing our clients’ domestic and international trademark portfolios, including a network of trusted foreign counsel and agents selected for their in-depth understanding of local trademark practices. 

With our collective experience and respective backgrounds, we gain a particular understanding of our clients’ international corporate goals, and can efficiently apply this knowledge towards extending their branding reach, whether by registration of trademarks, licensing, negotiating co-existence agreements, or working with our foreign counsel towards enforcement of our clients’ existing trademark rights. At The Brickell IP Group we routinely handle a variety of administrative proceedings before the USPTO, including oppositions and cancellations.  We are experienced in all phases of proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, including, but not limited, to settlement conferences, initial, expert and pretrial disclosures, and the creation and review of expert reports and testimony.